Sunday, April 29, 2012

Hawaii Writing Project Invitational Summer Institute

Lehua Writing Project is no longer offering summer institutes, but if you know of a potential teacher leader who can stay with someone on Oahu, please encourage them to apply for the Hawaii Writing Project Invitational Summer Institute.

Below is a letter from the director, Dr. Ellen Spitler:

Dear Hawai‘i Writing Project Supporter,
Each year the Hawai‘i Writing Project (HWP), an affiliate of the National Writing Project and housed at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, works with educators on O'ahu and Maui, across grades and all disciplines to introduce them to writing practices and theories that will motivate teachers and students alike to take writing seriously and to help them discover—or rediscover—its joys.  Those who complete the Invitational Summer Institute become teacher consultants whose job it is to provide motivation and leadership in the teaching of writing within their communities. Together, we are dedicated to improving writing instruction in our nation’s schools and to promoting the use of writing as a tool for thinking and learning across disciplines.
As you may know, the federal government this year did not fund the National Writing Project and sadly many sites around the country do not have the monies to support a summer institute.  HWP is in a position to still offer the Invitational Summer Institute.
As the directors of HWP Invitational Summer Institutes, we hope you will participate or nominate an educator you feel would benefit from the excitement and learning experience the summer institute offers to our participants. We are interested in teachers from all disciplines—English, science, social studies, health, performing/visual arts, or math—and at all levels, kindergarten through college.  Committed to serving the needs of a particular geographic region, we are also interested in bilingual and ELL teachers and in those who understand the increasingly complex cultural diversity of Hawai‘i.  We also welcome administrators.
If you are an administrator, please take the time to nominate and share this invitation with strong educators on your faculty who would benefit from the program we offer. All you have to do is provide us with the name and email address for any teachers you want to nominate.  And, of course, we’d be delighted if you nominated more than one person.  We will contact all nominees to make sure they understand what the writing project is all about, how to complete the application process, and what to expect and prepare for if they are accepted.
Full tuition scholarships will be available for six credits of graduate work (English/CS 640) for up to twenty Invitational Summer Institute participants.  If you know teachers who are considering the pursuit of a master's degree, the Summer Institute offers a stimulating and supportive place to begin.  Completion of the institute also qualifies for salary increment/professional development [DOE] credit.  
DATES:    O‘ahu Invitational Summer Institute – June 18 – July 13, 2012
                 Monday –Thursday except the first week, which is Monday  - Friday

FEES:        Full tuition scholarships available for 6 credits of graduate work (English/CS 640) for all Invitational Summer Institute participants; some fees apply totaling approximately $100-$150         
DEADLINE:    May 15, 2012
Please find the Institute flyers attached. Be sure to register as soon as possible, or nominate someone you believe will benefit from what the Hawai‘i Writing Project has to offer. We look forward to hearing from you soon!  Please feel free to contact either of us for more information.
Mahalo nui loa,
Ellen Spitler, Ph.D.
Director, Hawai‘i Writing Project
Invitational Summer Institute (Oahu)

REGISTRATION: Deadline is May 15, 2012
Please provide the following information when submitting your registration:
Name: Home phone: Email/s: Home address: City, State, Zip: School/Complex: Grade level/s: Subject area/s: Years of in-service teaching experience: Highest degree/seeking degree:
A Personal Statement where you:
A. Describe yourself as a teacher, learner, and writer. B. Describe how you currently teach and use writing in your classroom. C. Briefly explain what you would like to explore related to the institute through a classroom inquiry
Obtain Two Letters of Support:
Have one colleague and one administrator at your school write a brief letter explaining why they believe you will contribute to the institute and support literacy at your school. Your administrator should state how you would be able to share your institute experiences with other teachers. Please attach your support letters to your registration or email them separately.
Please email your registration and letters of support, and direct all questions about the HWP Invitational Summer Institute to: Ellen Spitler, Director, Hawai‘i Writing Project,
Orientation Meeting:
Teachers who participate in the Invitational Summer Institute are expected to attend the Orientation Meeting on Monday, June 4, 2012 from 10am to 12pm at UHM. We will provide participants with information about the HWP and distribute institute materials. Light refreshments will be provided.

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