Monday, September 26, 2011

Renew Yourself with October's Continuity Session

It's almost fall break and we're all looking forward to a little down time  - so enjoy, relax, feel the sand in your toes and the sun on your face because after that week, it's back to school.

Let Lehua Writing Project extend that joy for a little longer. Come to the October continuity session and renew yourself  because "me" time is sacred!

Continuity is all about teachers teaching teachers. It's about being niele and peeking into each others' classrooms to see what they're doing, to check out their student work, and to steal, borrow, pilfer (it's all good) whatever we can to bring back to our own classrooms.

We'll be in Hilo this time at UHH UCB331 from 8:30-11:30 on Saturday, October 22. If you're coming from the west side, north side, south side, make a day of it. Go to our Farmer's Markets, plan to go out to lunch, bring a colleague, do some shopping, rejuvenate.

We invite you to peek into Lynn Nagata's elementary inclusion class for Happy Memory Poems and Tamara Morrison's middle school English class for playwriting and the "Theatre of the Absurd." She'll also be sharing out mana'o on Lee Cataluna's playwriting workshop at UHH.

If you're coming, email me at - I'll try to send out evites too, but come - let's catch up.  I haven't seen you folks in a long time and I miss the fun.


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