Tuesday, June 23, 2009


- NWP Site Bulletin -


Please take a moment this summer to write or email your legislators. Let them know you appreciate their support for the writing project. Tell them something you did in your classroom this year or plan to do next year. Give them a glimpse of your summer institute or another writing project opportunity that is making a difference to your teaching. Be brief. One or two short paragraphs from an educator like you will assure members of Congress that their commitment to the NWP has a specific and lasting impact. Let your voice be heard and your work be recognized!

Here are three great opportunities. Pick one. Pick all if you choose!

* WRITE DURING THE SUMMER INSTITUTE -- a chance to write from your heart and from the program that is the heart of the writing project.

* WRITE BEFORE YOU GO BACK TO SCHOOL -- a chance to share your excitement about returning to school with new plans, new ideas, new enthusiasm. Forward your summer writing, such as Op-Ed pieces and other reflections on the importance of writing and the impact the writing project has on teachers and students in your area.

* PLAN A LOCAL EVENT FOR THE NATIONAL DAY ON WRITING, OCTOBER 20, 2009 -- For more information go to http://www.ncte.org/action/dayonwriting.

Let us hear from you. Share your letters to Congress and any responses you receive by sending them to us at publicaffairs@nwp.org. This not only helps us keep up with the extraordinary work you do, but also helps shape our national advocacy effort.

For more tips on writing to your legislators, follow this link:

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Teachers as Connectors

What do you think about Will Richardson's quote? Agree?
Will Richardson is a Web 2.0 guru as well as the author of the blog Weblogg-ed. The graphic was done by Dean Shareski.